
Another issue of importance is SANDAG’s and the State of California’s Housing Element Numbers for Coronado. Adding 912 new homes will permanently alter the Coronado we know today. It will overwhelm current power, water, sewage, internet, traffic, and parking infrastructures — improvement of these will come at tremendous financial and societal cost. To meet current goals set by the State and SANDAG for Coronado, our options are few: build high rises, decimate parks, build parking structures, and/or exercise imminent domain. I’m told the City has exhausted all alternatives to modifying the State/SANDAG goals. A one-size-fits-all formula for housing expansion is not practical, effective or tenable. If the state continues down its current path, the housing problem will only worsen statewide, causing further damage to communities across California. Steps Council might take include:

  • Aggressively enhancing City collaboration, open communication, and mutual trust and support with sister SANDAG cities.

  • Challenge [1] the parameters used in calculating the housing numbers which include Navy sailors on Coronado bases in the City’s population but do not include the military housing allocated to them and [2] the legality of a one-size-fits-all approach.

  • Work with the Navy to build more housing.

    As your Councilmember, I will become far more conversant in this issue, strengthen intra-city collaboration, and engage with the City’s lobbyist in Sacramento to ensure the City explores all options to decrease the State-imposed goals.